Land at Starseed Village – 1st Round
Buy Land at Starseed Village
Residential 1 & Residential 2 zone.
Please note:
Price displayed is 25% deposit.
An email will be sent with payment options for the balance.
$2.200 – $5.500
Residential 1 & Residential 2 zone at Starseed Village
Residential 1 & Residential 2 are located within the geographical area marked 3. As with the central village, they are in the flattest and most accessible area on site (apart from the preexisting factory area, which it borders).
This is the easiest of all the areas for development. By placing a primary path going from north to south, and secondary paths going from east to west (off the main path), this area can be developed relatively easily. By spacing the secondary paths every 100m and the houses every 50m, we estimate that 50-75 houses can be located between these 2 areas. The fact that this land is much less steep means that larger houses can be built.
The lower part of this area contains all of the important existing infrastructure. Please note, we recommend R1 & R2 for residents who want to live on the land within the next 2 years.
Note: Full price of this land is USD 22 / SQMÂ (only valid on 1st round)
400 SQM = USD 8,800
600 SQM = USD 13,200
800 SQM = USD 17,600
1000 SQM = USD 22,000
Our masterplanners are working on sub-dividing the residential zones into individual plots. When ready, residents will be invited to choose their plot on a first come first serve basis, by order of deposit. Please note, we will have premium plots available at extra charge.