Round 1 open now!
$LAND token is a Real World Asset, backed by 1 SQM of Land at Starseed Village.
1 $LAND = 1 SQM
Token Holders can spend their $LAND to unlock a life-time lease at Starseed Village, Stake to earn $SV rewards, or Sell in the future to make a profit.
Private Pre-sale Roadmap:
Round 1 $22/SQM
Round 2 $33/SQM
Round 3 $44/SQM
Target price $110/SQM
Only 33,000 $LAND Available in Round 1
Buy yours now to secure a potential 500%+ ROI !
* Land in premium zones may require multiple $LAND tokens for 1SQM, for example; by the river, mountain view, or prime flat land.
Fractionalised ownership
Want land at Starseed but can’t afford the minimum 400 $LAND requirement? Team up with your friends and combine your tokens!
5 people with 80 $LAND ($1,760) each,
Combine their tokens (400 $LAND)
Unlock shared ownership of 400SQM (Round 1)
Looking for $LAND owners to team up with?
Click Here to join our telegram group